improving family life, knowledge, understanding, and Decision Making!
Do you want to learn some resume-building tech skills that will help you on your journey to employment or entrepreneurial success? join us in our LIVE sessions at this Facebook link. Be sure to check out the EVENT dates on the EVENT page.
For additional Bible Study and to have biblical questions answered, , visit at this link.
TLF Ministry provides Financial Literacy and Planning education in workshop/class environments. Due to Covid-19, our workshops are accessible to anyone. Look on the Events page for upcoming sessions on Zoom.
Valli Lily LLC provides all online courses for True Love Family Ministry. Valli Lily offers educational support and Instructional Design and Development services for academic and business education/training needs.
Contact Valli Lily LLC for your solution if educational support services are desired. Valli Lily LLC gives a percentage of its proceeds from TLFM referrals to support the True Love Family Ministry's mission.
Valli Lily LLC Phone: 678-226-3418
Roth IRA 101
TLF Ministry provides worship experiences at 6:30 every Friday evening. We get together to just experience Christ in praise & worship. Check us out on Facebook live!
Families deteriorate if marriages and interrelationships are not cultivated and nurtured. Life tends to sometimes get us down and sometimes we all need a little help getting back up. TLF Ministry provides Christan Counseling and mental health support. We also provide Support group meetings. Keep watch on our newsletter located on the EVENTS page.
TLF Ministry provides educational support in learning to live a healthy lifestyle. The objective is to teach families to live by the 8 laws of health so that they have the tools to maintain or regain disease-free lives. By teaching the whole family, they can work and learn together to help each other to succeed. Keep watch for classes on our Events Page and Facebook link.
F A I T H Courses Available Right Now! Click on the link next to the course type